Current Series and Episodes
All Podcasts

This is a feed of all podcasts – past, present, and future – available on this website. Every episode that is made available will appear in this feed.
Sermons Podcast
These are weekly sermons I preach at Faith Baptist Church in Decatur, Texas. Currently all available sermons from 2023 are uploaded and I hope to slowly add older ones. These recordings are dependent on our Facebook Live-stream, so due to technical issues some are not available.
Legacy Series and Episodes
These are the original podcasts recorded between 2008 and ~2015. I often tell people that I was podcasting before I knew what podcasting was. I had recorded dozens of lessons at my dining room table before I learned about podcasting and RSS distribution.
Baptist Basics University

The original idea behind BBU was to develop a free online Bible college that did not award diplomas. In its earliest form, I intended to have a series of lectures to listen to and a public domain book for required reading. My desire in these recordings was to produce something I desperately wanted for myself but could not find online. I kept finding sermons available online but few lectures or lessons. These types of recordings are still rare today as most podcasts are either preaching or conversations.
When I discovered podcasting, I realized BBU was essentially a podcast so I shifted to that model. A total of 158 recordings were made. I am still working on getting these added to the podcast feed.
- Homiletics 101
- The Book of Acts
- The Book of Daniel
- Baptist History
- Bus Ministry 101
- Children’s Church 101
- Bible History and Customs
- The Book of John
- Bible Survey
- Unfinished Series
Baptist History Spotlight
The BHS series is the closest thing I have recorded to a professional podcast. I really love the format of short biography sketches and historical topics. Unlike other recordings, these were read from a script. It usually took me a few attempts to get them right.
Baptist Basics University
Homiletics 101 – The Art of Preaching
The Book of Acts
The Book of Daniel
Baptist History
Bus Ministry 101
Children’s Church 101
Bible History and Customs
The Book of John
Bible Survey
Lessons from Unfinished Series
Baptist History Spotlight
These recordings are short topical or biographical looks at key figures and events in Baptist History.